Kwando concession


Kwando Concession

The Kwando Concession is a vast and remote area located in the far north of Botswana, encompassing approximately 232,000 hectares (or about 2,300 square kilometers). It is bordered by the Kwando River to the east, which also serves as the northern boundary of Botswana with Namibia. This concession is characterized by a diverse range of habitats including mopane woodlands, riverine forests, and extensive floodplains dotted with islands.

Plant life

The plant life within the Kwando Concession varies significantly across different regions. The northern part near Lagoon Camp features larger trees typical of riverine forests such as sausage trees and leadwood. As one moves south towards Lebala Camp, the vegetation becomes more open with patches of wild sage and mokolwane palms.

Best Time to Visit

The best time for wildlife viewing in the Kwando Concession is during the dry season from June to October when animals are drawn to water sources. This period coincides with higher visitor numbers and increased rates for accommodations.


Due to its remote nature, self-driving to camps within the concession is not advisable. Guests typically arrive via light aircraft at one of two airstrips located near Lagoon Camp or Lebala Camp.


There are two main camps within the Kwando Concession: Lagoon Camp and Lebala Camp. Both offer exclusive safari experiences with a focus on quality service and guidance. Activities available at these camps include game drives, night drives, walking safaris, and boat safaris.



Best Time to Go

From: June to October (Best wildlife viewing)

High Season

From: July to October (Higher rates apply but not busy)


From: 2,320km² / 896mi²

​Wildlife & Animals

Big herds of elephants are attracted to the permanent water of the Kwando River in the Dry season. Lionsleopards, and spotted hyenas are easily seen, and the endangered wild dog is sometimes spotted as well. The water-loving red lechwe is abundant, and less common antelope species include the elusive roan and sable antelope.

Wildlife Highlights

The Kwando River teems with hippos and crocodiles, and spotted-necked otters are often observed as well. Night drives are part of the daily program in Kwando Concession, and some of the species that might be seen are springharebush babySelous' mongoosegenetporcupine, and aardwolf.

Best Time for Wildlife Viewing

Kwando has seasonal wildlife viewing. Big herds of elephant, buffalozebra, and wildebeest arrive when it gets really dry in June, and they usually stay until December. Predators tend to follow these migrations.

General Wheather

Visitors to Kwando Concession will experience warm to hot weather, as well as a distinct Dry and Wet season. Don’t forget to pack warm clothing for early morning game drives and boat trips, especially in June and July, the coolest months of the year.

Dry Season –April to October

The last showers of the Wet season typically fall in April. June and July are the coolest months. Temperatures start climbing in August, peaking in October.

  • April & May  – At the beginning of the Dry season, the vegetation is still green. The middle of the day can still be hot – temperatures up to 30°C/86°F are not uncommon.
  • June, July & August  – It hardly ever rains in the heart of the Dry season. Afternoon temperatures reach a very pleasant 26°C/79°F on average. Early mornings are nippy, however, with temperatures struggling to get above 7°C/45°F.
  • September & October  – The end of the Dry season sees temperatures on the rise before the rains break. October is scorching with average afternoon temperatures of 34°C/93°F. Nights and mornings are much better.

Wet Season –November to March

It immediately cools down a bit after the first rains, and the dust settles. Afternoon thunderstorms and short showers are typical, although normally it won’t rain all day. Afternoon temperatures average 32°C/90°F throughout the Wet season.

  • November & December  – Temperatures tend to build before the rain and drop afterward, but rainfall is sporadic. It is hot and mostly sunny. At around 19°C/66°F, the early mornings are the most comfortable time of the day.
  • January & February  – There is rain most afternoons, but it is normally over in a few hours. These are the wettest months. Heavy storms are common.
  • March  – The rains are diminishing. Expect rainfall every couple of days, usually in the form of a storm. Mornings are a bit cooler at 18°C/64°F.


  • Excellent wildlife viewing with four of the Big Five easily spotted
  • A good variety of habitats are seen, through access to the Kwando River and Linyanti Marshes
  • Off-road driving is permitted, which facilitates quality sightings
  • Game drives, night drives, boat trips, walking safaris, and fishing trips are available
  • Very exclusive private reserve with great food and stunning lodges
  • Excellent guiding


  • Only expensive, all-inclusive packages available

How To Get There

The only way to visit Kwando Concession is by charter plane. You can fly from Maun, Kasane, or another camp in Botswana.

Charter flights will typically be organized and booked by your tour operator. There are no scheduled domestic flights to Kwando.

Entry into the country is usually through Maun Airport (MUB) or Kasane Airport (BBK), depending on your itinerary.

Airlines & Ticket Prices

Please check Skyscanner to see which airlines can take you to Maun Airport (MUB) or Kasane Airport (BBK), and what tickets would cost.

Passport, Visa & Other Entry Requirements

Please check our Getting There – Botswana page to learn more about passports, visas, COVID-19, and other entry requirements.