About Us

About Us


At the heart of Moonlight Tours Expedition we believe the unique travel experiences the continent has to offer speak for themselves. We won’t bamboozle you with hyperbole. We’ll give you honest opinions – and then look forward to planning the adventure of a lifetime for you.

We are as passionate about Africa as when we first started traveling here and using our experience and first-hand knowledge of Africa – with all of its quirks and nuances – we promise a wonderful trip-planning process and offer.

Planning your safari holiday in Africa is hugely exciting. There are so many bucket-list experiences to choose from; natural wonders to see; gorgeous tented camps and lodges to stay at; and alluring landscapes to soak in – from mountains to beaches, rainforests to deserts.

As a young man Fredrick was born and raised at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro (At the border of Tanzania & Kenya), as soon as he moved from Kilimanjaro to Arusha looking for a better way of life the landscapes, animals, and different culture hooked his heart and blinded his mind to the point he felt like here is where he belongs

Working sometimes as Kilimanjaro Mountain Porter, Safari Guide across East Africa, and tour operator made his dream come true and now Fredrick and his team as the Sons & Daughters of Africa aim to share the hidden Treasure of Africa with the rest of the world

‘‘Discover the Hidden Treasure’’

Follow Him in Action


  • We have intimate knowledge of and superb long-term relationships with our partners, private guides, and exclusive connections across 13 countries in Africa
  • Industry leaders in promoting emerging & re-emerging destinations such as Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda
  • Over 70% of our business is repeated clients or referred by existing clients, which we believe emphasizes the personal quality of the service we provide


  • You will be working exclusively with the owners of Moonlight Tours Expedition from start to finish
  • Fredrick and His Team are the most knowledgeable and passionate experts of safari Africa in the world with over 20 years of combined experience on the continent
  • Being a small owner-run company we take immense pride and genuine interest in making sure we get to know our clients before making any trip suggestions
  • A deep understanding of clients allows us to make sure you travel to the right places to suit you to guarantee a trip of a lifetime


  • Trips are designed to benefit all involved - you the guest, the hosts, local communities, and the environment
  • Unmatched personal 24/7 service pre-, during, and post-travel
  • Full financial protection
  • A percentage of each trip will support charities such as Street Child
  • We offer private face-to-face, phone, or Skype trip consultations to our clients across the world
  • 100% bespoke and authentic experiences

Top Tips On Booking Your African Safari

We’ve been planning safaris since 2016. We thrive on matching the right locations, lodges and activities to our clients’ wish-lists, making their African safari dreams come true and their vacation unforgettable for all the right reasons.



In Africa, timing is everything. Most of the continent’s best safari experiences depend entirely on naturally occurring factors, like seasonal rainfall. This means that having preferred travel dates will make a big difference to your itinerary – you don’t want to be in the Serengeti when the millions of wildebeest are already mowing down fresh grass in the Masai Mara!



Start with having a specific goal for your safari. Maybe you’ve dreamt of seeing gorillas since you were a child, or witnessing Victoria Falls in full flood, or seeing all the Big 5 in the wild. What animals or experiences are at the heart of your dream safari? The answer will more than likely help determine your ideal destination. Ask our experts: Where is the best place to see the animal you mostly want?



An African safari is not an inexpensive holiday. Even though there is a wide range of available itineraries and travel styles, there are a lot of logistics involved in going on safari in Africa. It’s also worth keeping in mind that safari lodges must deliver excellent service, food and accommodation in very remote destinations – and that costs much more than delivering the same standard of comfort in a big city.