What to Pack for Your Safari?
What to Pack for Your Safari?

Last updated 17 April 2023

17 April 2023 Tour, Expert

What to Pack for Your Safari?

What to Pack for Your Safari?

Packing for your safari is essential and can be difficult for your first safari. The anxiety of figuring out what to pack can dampen your pre getaway excitement. For your benefit we have created a suggested list of things to bring along with you when you’re on safari. This items can be essential or not depending on your safari style.

Travel bag

There different types of travel bag you can use but for safaris your optimum travel bag depends with your travel style as travelers going for private & lodging trips have flexibility to choose their travel bag as there will be enough space but for camping & group trips duffel bags or backpacks are recommended as space is limited

  • Duffel bag

These are simple and lightweight, they are recommended for travellers wishing to join a group tour or budget camping trips

  • Travel backpack

With hands free mobility and ultimate versatility, backpacks are recommended for budget travellers wishing to join group or camping safaris 

  • Rolling luggage

Wheels are nice. No need to carry your luggage, these bags are recommended for private and lodging safaris. Not recommended for camping or group tours where space will be limited

  • A backpack. (recommended)

While there is sufficiently of room in our safari vehicles for your larger suitcase, it's always handy to have a more manageable bag that you can have with you in the vehicle.

Clothing packing list

  • A warm sweater.

Nights and mornings in East Africa can be cold, so it's always good to have something a little warmer to throw on until the sun warms the plains up.

  • Walking shoes/sandals or boots.

Much of your safari takes place within your safari vehicle, this means you'll need a comfortable pair of shoes, sandals or boots. However, shoes or boots can be essential if you've added any walking safaris to your itinerary or to cover your skin to prevent against sunburn and insect bites (tsetse flies).

A pair of safari trousers (those that zip off at the knees are very handy).

Perfect for both sun protection and to ward off hungry mosquitoes, a long sleeve shirt and trousers are also a good option for a cold morning or evening.

If you're staying in nicer lodges, you'll also wants these short sleeves and trousers for dinner and drinks at the end of a long day.

  • Sunglasses.

The sun in East Africa can be quite intense, so sunglasses are a good protective measure and have the benefit of reducing glare while you are game-viewing.

  • Hat.

Sun protection should be a priority while you're on safari. While your vehicle provides shade, having the top up for game-viewing means you'll be exposed to the elements. A good hat is a great way to avoid horrible burns or heatstroke.

*Important Note;

One should avoid clothes with black or dark blue colours when on safari as they tend to attract unwanted insects (tsetse flies) who are thirsty and hungry for blood. Also, white clothes must be avoided as it might get very dusty in the Tanzania’s parks especially when visited during dry season.

Toiletry bag

  • Wet Wipes.

Having wet wipes is generally recommended given the dusty roads while on safari but for those going for a camping it is essential to have wet wipes , body wipes in lieu of a shower, and wipes for the bathrooms as the camping grounds may not be highly sanitary

  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss

These items are essential to keep your breath fresh & are not provided for on a camping trip. Those opting for mid-range lodges however have no need to pack these items

  • Sunscreen

it can get very sunny on a safari so sunscreen is recommended

  • Tissues/Toilet paper roll

while lodges provide toilet rolls the same can’t be said for those on camping safaris, toiletries tent to miss out from the public bathrooms

  • Hand sanitizer
  • Travel towel

For those going for camping trips it is essential to carry with you a towel

  • Shower gel & shampoo

  • Passport/visa

a valid passport will be required to enter the country, also visas will be required and you can get one online

  •  Travel insurance documents

While on safari we have air ambulance (fly doctor medical insurance), we recommend travelers to take travel insurance to insure other aspects of their travels

  • Cash

Last but not least is you won’t find credit card machines in the African bush, so make sure you get enough cash in the city before you head into the savannah. While some lodges accept credit cards, you’ll likely need some cash when visiting villages or buying souvenirs. You’ll also need cash to tip your guides and porters.

Health & Safety.

  • Health requirement documents

Make sure to check what vaccinations are mandatory and recommended for your destination a few months before the trip. Check the  https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/list  and consult your doctor. Some shots come in a series, so you will need a few months before departure to get them done.

The yellow fever vaccination is mandatory to Tanzania. You will be asked to show your yellow fever health card upon arrival at the airport. Other suggested vaccinations for East Africa include meningitis, typhoid, hepatitis A and B, and cholera.

  • Health insurance documents
  • Insect repellent.

Mosquitoes and tsetse flies are both capable of carrying diseases and their bites can be quite irritating or painful. Tsetse flies can deliver a particularly nasty sting. A good insect repellent is a good way to ward off these blood-thirsty little guys.


  • Camera.

It goes without saying that you're going to want a camera for your safari adventure. While in some cases your smart phone will be enough to snap a shot, a camera with a good zoom lens is the perfect companion. Note: additional camera battery & memory cards are recommended

  • Binoculars.

You can hire a pair of binoculars that you can use it in the bush, though having your own pair is a good way to ensure you don't miss a second of the action. You don't need an expensive pair. Even a travel-sized pair of binoculars is sufficient for game-viewing.

  • Electric converters and adopters

Plug type g is commonly used in Tanzania, so adopter or electric converters can be useful if you charging device are of a different plug type

  • A flashlight or headlamp.

The wilderness can be pretty dark, so a headlamp or flashlight can be essential when moving about camp after dark. Many lodges provide these, but those staying in budget camps will want to bring their own.

safari entertainment, information & comforts

  • Guide books.

You don't need a heavy Lonely Planet for your safari, but having a wilderness guidebook is a good way to build a 'to do list' for your trip.

Your safari driver is a font of knowledge when it comes to animal, bird, and plant-life too. Don't hesitate to ask questions! We love questions.

  • A good book.

You'll rarely find yourself without something to see while on safari, but there is going to be some downtime.

Whether it's the drive to or from the airport or just a lazy night at your lodge, having a good book (or a Kindle) on hand is a great way to pass the time.

  • travel pillows

on a safari you will spend most of your time in the jeep, travel pillows can be essential if you want to take a quick nap

  • Extra blanket

What not to pack for a Tanzania safari.

Tanzania is a polythene-free country. For environmental reasons, plastic bags are illegal and have been banned, the customary plastic duty-free bags included. For liquids in hand luggage, it is recommended to use transparent toiletry bags. Also, note that no drones are allowed by any camps in East Africa.

Time to plan your safari!!!

Hopefully, these tips will help you to figure out what you need to pack for your safari. If you need more information or want to go ahead and embark on a safari adventure, please contact us. We'll be happy to help you decide on the best tour option.