Murchison falls national park

Murchison falls national park


Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park, part of the greater Murchison Falls Conservation Area (MFCA), offers excellent wildlife viewing. The Victoria Nile bisects the park and boat trips to the spectacular Murchison Falls are a highlight – especially if you hike to the top where the immense power of the falls is best appreciated.


The park is divided by the very scenic Victoria Nile. A boat trip takes you to the base of the Murchison Falls where you can see the Nile squeezing through a narrow gorge before dropping down into the ‘Devil's Cauldron’. North of the river is a savannah habitat that's dominated by grassland and dotted with borassus palms. South of the river, the habitat changes to woodland with forest patches.

Best Time to Visit

Watching wildlife in Murchison Falls National Park is generally good and at its best during the Dry season, from December to February. However, January and February can be very hot and the scenery is more beautiful during the Wet season from June to November.

December to February  –Dry Season

  • Animals are found more easily since they gather at water sources
  • Plenty of sun and almost no rain
  • Mosquitoes are fewer, so there is less risk of malaria
  • The heat in January and February can be unbearable

June to November  –Wet Season

  • The landscape is lush with greenery
  • April and May are low season, so there are fewer people around, and rates may be lower
  • The park offers good wildlife viewing throughout the year
  • Murchison Falls lies in a dry part of the country, and the rains rarely interfere with your safari
  • Some roads may become hard to travel after heavy downpours


Best Time to Go

From: December to February (Easier to spot animals)

High Season

From: June to September (Peak time for Uganda)


From: 3,840km² / 1,483mi²

​Wildlife & Animals

The park supports four of the Big Five; only rhinos are absent. Buffalo and elephants are particularly common. There is a very healthy population of lions that likes to prey on the abundant Uganda kob. Other antelope found here are oribiJackson's hartebeestdefassa waterbuckgrey duiker and bushbuck. The Victoria Nile teems with crocodiles and hippos.

Wildlife Highlights

Large herds of the localized Rothschild's giraffe are found in the park and leopard, though far from numerous, is most likely to be seen in the vicinity of Pakuba Lodge. Troops of the rare patas monkey can sometimes be spotted on the grassy plains, and chimpanzees can be tracked in the neighboring Budongo Forest.

Best Time for Wildlife Viewing

Murchison Falls National Park can be visited throughout the year, but the best time for wildlife viewing is the Dry season (from December to February) when animals congregate around the Victoria Nile and other reliable water sources.

General Wheather

The climate in Murchison Falls National Park is tropical and hot. Temperatures are quite uniform throughout the year. Daytime temperatures of around 31°C/88°F are common, with it cooling down at night to around 18°C/64°F.

The Wet season runs from March to November, with a drier period from June to July. There is little rain during the Dry season (December to February).

Dry Season –December to February

It is dry and hot.

  • December, January & February  – These are the driest months. It is mostly sunny with clear skies. These are also the hottest months, with average temperatures of 32°C/90°F during the afternoon. It cools off at night to about 18°C/64°F.

Wet Season –March to November

It doesn’t rain that much in the Wet season, but occasional heavy storms can be expected.

  • March, April & May  – By March the rains are starting, and there are more overcast skies. April and May experience more rainfall. Daytime temperatures average 31°C/88°F, while at night they average 20°C/68°F.
  • June & July  – This is a bit of a drier spell, but rain should still be expected. Average daytime temperatures are around 30°C/86°F.
  • August, September, October & November  – These are the wettest months, reaching a peak in October. It doesn't rain every day, but when it does, it tends to be torrential storms. Temperatures start to slowly increase by November.


  • Top wildlife viewing
  • Very scenic park with East Africa's most spectacular waterfall
  • One of the few places to find the shoebill
  • Boat trips to the falls and the Lake Albert Delta are available


  • A long drive from Kampala and far away from the other parks
  • Some roads may become impassable during the Wet season
  • Some areas have high densities of tsetse fly

How To Get There

Murchison Falls National Park is located 305km/190 mi north of Kampala. The drive to the southern entrance gate takes 4 to 5 hours*. Coming from the southwest, the 280km/170 mi drive from Fort Portal takes at least 6 hours*. Allow another 1 to 2 hours from the entrance gate to most of the lodges.

When flying from abroad, you’ll arrive at Entebbe International Airport (EBB). It is located 46km/29 mi from the capital (Kampala). Your local tour operator will usually arrange for you to be picked up at the airport and will take care of all further transportation as part of your safari package.

*Driving times are only a rough indication. You should always consider the possibility of significant delays.

Airlines & Ticket Prices

Please check Skyscanner to see which airlines can take you to Entebbe International Airport (EBB), and what tickets would cost.

Domestic Flights

It is also possible to fly to the park by chartered or scheduled aircraft service from Entebbe International Airport (EBB) or Kajjansi Airfield near Kampala. Pakuba Airfield is the most convenient point of arrival for the main cluster of camps and lodges around the park headquarters at Paraa. Other options are Chobe or Bugundu Airfields.

As part of your tour package, domestic flights are usually arranged by your tour operator. Regularly scheduled domestic flights are run by the following carriers:

  • Fly Uganda (‘Seat rates’ are available for daily flights from Kajjansi Airfield to Pakuba Airfield)
  • Aerolink (Flies from Entebbe to Pakuba, Chobe, and Bugundu Airfields; a minimum of four passengers is required)

Passport, Visa & Other Entry Requirements

Please check our Getting There – Uganda page to learn more about passports, visas, COVID-19, and other entry requirements.