Bangweulu wetlands


Bangweulu Wetlands

Bangweulu Wetlands, a community-owned protected area, is one of Zambia’s prime birding destinations thanks to the presence of the rare, sought-after shoebill. A mokoro (wooden dugout canoe) trip into the heart of the wetlands to look for these prehistoric-looking birds is a special experience. You’ll also have a chance to interact with the local communities as they practice traditional fishing and beekeeping.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to see big herds of the rare black lechwe in Bangweulu Wetlands is from May to July when water levels have receded and grass attracts the grazers. This is also the best time to find shoebills on mokoro (canoe) trips. From December to March, the middle of the Wet season, the wetlands come alive with birdlife. Conditions are, however, difficult then, so November might be the best compromise.

May to October  –Dry Season

  • May to July is the best time to see the shoebill
  • May to July is the best time to see big herds of lechwe and other grazers
  • It is sunny and it rarely rains
  • Low water levels allow for game drives
  • Shoebills are hard to find from August to October
  • The sky is very hazy, and the floodplains are dry
  • Boating opportunities depend on water levels

November to April  –Wet Season

  • The first rain brings new grass, attracting the lechwe and other grazers to the floodplains
  • It’s a wetland paradise
  • The scenery is green and fresh
  • Best birding time as migrants are present
  • Game drives aren’t possible from December to April, only Mokoro trips
  • The area becomes almost inaccessible
  • Very hot and humid
  • Many insects and mosquitoes
  • Malaria is a bigger concern than in the Dry season


Bangweulu, meaning ‘where the water meets the sky’, is an extensive wetland located in a shallow depression fed by 17 rivers. The water level in the center varies between 1m and 2m (3.3ft and 6.6ft), causing the perimeter of the wetland to advance and retreat over 40km/25 mi between the seasons. This seasonal floodplain is the habitat on which the endangered black lechwe and many other creatures depend.


From: $204 to $1,223 pp/day

Best Time to Go

From: May to July (Shoebills and black lechwe)

High Season

From: Never (The park is never busy)


From: 6,000km² / 2,317mi²

​Wildlife & Animals

The main attraction of the wetlands is the thousands of endemic black lechwe that graze on the floodplains. Seeing these handsome antelopes jumping through the water reveals their grace and beauty. Other antelope species you might spot include the shy semi-aquatic sitatunga as well as oribicommon reedbuck, and tsessebe. A herd of about 500 buffalo has been reintroduced, but sightings are hit-and-miss.

Wildlife Highlights

Several recently reintroduced cheetahs roam the floodplains. Although numbers are low, the open terrain makes sightings quite easy. Seeing the fastest land mammal take off when hunting a male lechwe is a phenomenal experience. Other predators include side-striped jackal and servalSpotted hyenas are quite often heard at night.

Best Time for Wildlife Viewing

The extent of the wetlands changes with the seasons. The best time for seeing black lechwe and other wildlife is from May to July when the water recedes and grazers gather on the floodplains. As the Dry season progresses, game drives become easier, but the lechwes retreat deeper into the wetlands.

General Wheather

Being in the tropics, Bangweulu Wetlands has a warm climate with a Wet and Dry season. The average temperature is uniform throughout the year, with a notable increase in temperature in October, before the rains. Nights are cool to cold from May to August.

Dry Season –May to October

There is almost no rain at all in the Dry season. It is warm during the day, but cool at night. The water levels recede, making game drives possible.

  • May  – This is the beginning of the Dry season. Rain is minimal, and the water level starts to recede. This is the best time to find shoebills.
  • June & July  – The rain has stopped completely, and the floodplains are drying out. These are the coolest months with daytime temperatures of around 25°C/77°F. It gets cold at night, with average temperatures of around 10°C/50°F. Warm clothing for early morning drives is essential.
  • August & September  – The floodplains are getting even drier. It is warming up, and September has an average daytime temperature of 29°C/84°F. Mornings are less chilly. Shoebills have retreated into inaccessible, permanent wetlands.
  • October  – Temperatures keep increasing to an average of 31°C/88°F. Mornings are lovely, with temperatures around 17°C/63°F. The land is now dusty and dry. The first rain usually falls this month, but the exact timing is unpredictable.

Wet Season –November to April

This is the warm, Wet season. Water levels rise, and game drives become difficult. The lechwe have retreated deep into the wetlands. Afternoon showers are common, and thunderstorms are often spectacular. The sky is clear, and the bush is lush. This is the best time for bird watching.

  • November  – The rain (usually beginning in October or November) is a relief because the bush is extremely dry. It is very hot and humid. The average daytime temperature is 30°C/86°F. It doesn’t rain every day, and it mostly comes in afternoon thunderstorms.
  • December, January, February & March  – The wettest months bring rain most days. Daytime temperatures average 30°C/86°F, while night and early morning temperatures average 15°C/59°F. These are the best months for birding.
  • April  – This is a lovely month, as the rain is winding down, but everything is lush and green.


  • Home to the endemic black lechwe
  • Excellent birding opportunities
  • A chance to see shoebill
  • Community-owned protected wetland
  • An opportunity to meet local communities
  • Activities include game drives, walking safaris, and mokoro trips
  • Little-visited off-the-beaten-track destination
  • Good park management under African Parks


  • Limited game-drive circuit
  • Very seasonal destination

How To Get There

Bangweulu Wetlands is located 700km/343mi north of the capital, Lusaka.

Bangweulu isn’t included on many tourist itineraries and getting here isn’t very straightforward – the easiest way is by chartered plane. There are two airstrips in the area. On arrival, you’ll be collected at the airstrip. Depending on water levels, you’ll be transferred to Shoebill Island Camp by road or by boat.

In the Dry season (May to October), it is also possible to drive to Bangweulu. If you are driving yourself, you need to be fully self-sufficient with a high-clearance 4x4.

Zambia’s main airport is Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (LUN), located 14km/9mi from Lusaka – it is through this airport that most international visitors will arrive in the country.

The only domestic carriers running scheduled flights in Zambia are Proflight and Zambia Airways. They offer flights to several parks, but not to Bangweulu Wetlands.

Charter flights among parks are usually incorporated into your safari package and are most often booked by your tour operator.

Airlines & Ticket Prices

Please check Skyscanner to see which airlines can take you to Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (LUN), and what tickets would cost.

Passport, Visa & Other Entry Requirements

Please check our Getting There – Zambia page to learn more about passports, visas, COVID-19, and other entry requirements.