Old School Africa Safari
Old School Africa Safari

Last updated 23 June 2024

23 June 2024 Tour, Expert

Old School Africa Safari

Old School Africa Safari

How to Do an Old School Safari, There is no set rulebook for creating an “old school” safari experience; it’s something in the adventurous spirit of a journey, the fresh air across the grasslands as you admire a lioness with cubs or the grace of an elephant. It’s the thrill of discovering a simple and true authenticity.

Don’t get us wrong. We love our ultra-luxe options, too, but polished marble, cell service, and Wifi aren’t always what you want. Sometimes you just want to escape the thrum of day-to-day life and experience wilderness without all the bells and whistles. To help you, we’ve put together some top tips for creating your perfect old-school safari.

1. Go small (and maybe even mobile)

By nature, smaller camps create a sense of informal intimacy and keep the amenities simple. Mobile camps kick this up a notch for regular movement. Both cases tend to house just a handful of guests at a time and focus strongly on experience over creature comforts. The small-group camaraderie in small camps harkens to safari expeditions of ages past. Picture sitting around the campfire with a few new friends after a long day seeking out lion, elephant, wildebeest, or zebra. Swap stories by firelight with drinks in hand, a vast spread of stars above you.

2. Opt for established camps and guides

There’s nothing wrong with new, but when you’re going old-school, you want camps that have been around a while. For one, they’ll be well-practiced in the daily rhythms of both guests and game and know exactly how to maximize your experience. Even better, the longer the staff, especially your guide, have been around, the more they can inform you about the area and its resident wildlife. Learn about how the region and inhabitants have changed from decades past, with the first-hand experience to recreate actual “old-school” days.

3. Owner-run makes a difference

The devil’s in the details. In our experience, owner-run camps and lodges offer warmth and personal touches that can make a world of difference. Speaking personally with owners or learning about their personal Africa stories, how they got started, or what inspired them to preserve the places they love casts a spell all its own and keeps you grounded in specific places and history.

4. Keep the canvas

Classic canvas tents go a long way in creating ambiance and immersing you in nature. Without four solid walls to keep the bush at bay, you start to recapture the thrill of adventure. Don’t worry, you’ll be perfectly safe and camps enforce safety seriously, but the feeling of sleeping just yards from wild animals or swaying trees is unbeatable.

5. Downgrade some amenities

Sound counterintuitive? We promise they’re plenty comfortable and without all the niceties, you remember the little joys of experiencing the outdoors. Think bucket showers instead of running water, long drops or flush loos, the gentle whir of fans rather than A/C, and coffee/tea delivery as you wake to the first rays of sunlight.

6. Take the road less traveled

Going remote is ideal for recreating the adventure of old-school expeditions when few travelers ventured to the continent. Heading further afield allows you to skip the tourist crowds and competition of sharing good sightings with other vehicles. Lose yourself in forested mountains along the lakeshore, in sprawling parks off main circuits, or seeking out hidden gems in private conservancies.

7. Keep the activities private as possible

Yes, sharing can be great – especially when it’s back at camp over a freshly cooked meal – but sometimes it’s better to have the day just you and your guide. Explore as if you’re the only travelers on the planet on bush walks to expand your sensory experience, with a private vehicle, or perhaps opt for a special tree-house sleep, or conservation visit. It also ensures your guide is fully focused on you and whatever preferences or questions you have.

Plan Your Trip

Contact us at +255 769 927 462 or email us at info@moonlighttoursexpedition.com to begin planning your safari.