Wildlife in Tarangire National Park
Wildlife in Tarangire National Park

Last updated 08 September 2024

08 September 2024 Tour, Expert

Wildlife in Tarangire National Park

Wildlife in Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park, located in northern Tanzania, is renowned for its incredible wildlife diversity and is particularly famous for having the highest concentration of elephants in the world. The park spans an area of approximately 2,600 square kilometers (1,000 square miles) and features a variety of habitats including acacia woodlands, savannah grasslands, swamps, and river valleys.

Key Wildlife Species

  1. Elephants: Tarangire is home to large herds of African bush elephants. During the dry season (June to October), these elephants can be seen gathering around the Tarangire River as they search for water. It is not uncommon to see groups of up to 300 elephants at once.
  2. Lions: The park hosts a significant population of lions that can often be spotted resting under trees or hunting in the open plains. Their presence is particularly notable during the dry season when prey animals congregate around water sources.
  3. Other Mammals: In addition to elephants and lions, Tarangire is home to a variety of other mammals including:
    • African buffalo
    • Giraffes
    • Zebras
    • Warthogs
    • Hyenas
    • Leopards (though they are less frequently seen)
    • Cheetahs (rarely observed)
    • Various antelope species such as hartebeests, waterbucks, dik-diks, gerenuks, and fringe-eared oryxes.
  4. Birds: The park boasts over 550 bird species making it a paradise for bird watchers. Notable birds include:
    • African fish eagles
    • Steppe eagles
    • Kori bustards
    • Hornbills
    • Lilac-breasted rollers
    • Lesser flamingoes

The best time for bird watching is from October to May when migratory species are present.

  1. Unique Ecosystems: The Silale Swamp within the park attracts various herbivores during the dry season and serves as a habitat for predators like lions and wild dogs that follow these herds.
  2. Seasonal Migration: During the dry season, many animals migrate into Tarangire from surrounding areas due to its reliable water sources. This migration includes wildebeests and zebras among others.
  3. Flora Supporting Fauna: The diverse vegetation in Tarangire supports its wildlife; baobab trees provide shelter and food while termite mounds dotting the landscape serve as homes for various small mammals.

Overall, Tarangire National Park offers an exceptional wildlife viewing experience characterized by large animal concentrations and diverse ecosystems that support both resident and migratory species throughout the year.

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